Island Man
JoinedPosts by Island Man
The Reason Why Jehovah's Witnesses Will Never Prosper Is The Children
by minimus ini believe that the religion will remain stagnant due to their achilles heel, the kids, the children, that next generation.. most of them really don't wa t to be in the religion.
the parents may have tried everything within their power to make the kids love jehovah but we all know you can't force someone to love you and you can't make a grown person stay in a relationship or situation if they really don't want to be there..
Island Man
I think that's the reason why is putting so much effort into churning out propaganda for kids. Don't be surprised if they soon come out with a special new arrangement for kids that mirrors "Christendom's" Sunday School. With JW broadcasting it wouldn't be difficult at all. They can have all the kids come to the kingdom halls on a saturday morning for a special "Sunday School" jw broadcast video while the parents are out in field serve us. -
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III comments on Ireland legalization of gay marriage.
by cappytan in#notsatire.
thanks to wifibandit and pixel for collaborating on this.
more to come....
Island Man
Has anyone noticed how his mouth slopes from his left downward to his right on an angle? Its annoying. He does speak out of the side of his mouth.
That's actually an expression of contempt. I think it mirrors the contempt he feels for gays.
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III comments on Ireland legalization of gay marriage.
by cappytan in#notsatire.
thanks to wifibandit and pixel for collaborating on this.
more to come....
Island Man
What ever happened to JWs being no part of the world and not voicing their opinions on the political and social controversies of the world? The gay marriage legalization in Ireland surely falls in the realm of a political and social controversy, no? -
by Berengaria indon't post much lately, but wondering what folks are watching.
i'm enjoying the heck out of "penny dreadful", "outlander", and "grace and frankie".
Island Man
The first season of The Walking Dead was really good, but I've noticed that the last few seasons have been filled with introspection and social drama and less in the way of suspenseful zombie action. -
by Berengaria indon't post much lately, but wondering what folks are watching.
i'm enjoying the heck out of "penny dreadful", "outlander", and "grace and frankie".
Island Man
Tyrant is good. It's gritty and intriguing. -
by Berengaria indon't post much lately, but wondering what folks are watching.
i'm enjoying the heck out of "penny dreadful", "outlander", and "grace and frankie".
Island Man
"Island mand, when you say the first two episodes do you mean season one or do you mean thos year? Game of Thrones has to be watched from the begining"
I started from the very beginning.
This podcast interview of 2 ex-JWs deserves to go viral
by Island Man inthe actual interview starts at the 20 minute mark..
Island Man
The actual interview starts at the 20 minute mark.
by Berengaria indon't post much lately, but wondering what folks are watching.
i'm enjoying the heck out of "penny dreadful", "outlander", and "grace and frankie".
Island Man
There aren't any really great series running right now - at least not that I know of, anyway.
Right now I tolerate Penny Dreadful - I honestly think it's the opening theme music that I enjoy about the show more than anything else, lol - and iZombie.
I'm anxiously awaiting new seasons for:
The Strain
The Last Ship
Falling Skies
The Walking Dead
Fear The Walking Dead
True Detective
The 100
The Flash
How to get away with murder
Orange is the new black
My personal favorites of the lot I've listed above are:
The Walking Dead
The 100
Falling Skies
For some strange reason Game of Thrones isn't growing on me. So far I've watched only the first two episodes and haven't felt compelled to go on.
Help with understanding
by Doltologist inplease take pity on me someone and help.. i was going to say that i suffer from aspergers syndrome but actually, i've come to rather enjoy it.. no, seriously, i really do have aspergers which is why my posts may seem a little odd to some of you.
ok, they may seem bloody odd to most of you.. my world exists in a binary frame.
things are or they are not.. i know that in the "real world" things might be or might not be as well as are and are not.
Island Man
Belief in God is more emotional than logical, Because of being unemotional due to Aspergers, you can see the logic of the non-existence of God clearly without emotions getting in the way. Most other people who believe are blinded by emotion, IMHO. -
Christ's Fake Brothers - Tomorrow's WT Study
by The Searcher intomorrow's wt study, paragraph 4 says this - "the early bible students understood the expression rendered in the king james version "my brethren" to refer to those who would rule with christ as well as to all of mankind after they are restored to earthly perfection.".
rutherford decided in 1923 to change this teaching, and create an elite group of christians.
for 92 years the men running the wtbts have perpetuated & embellished this false teaching - especially so during the past three years - and hidden the bible truth about christ's brothers from millions of people fearful to question the org - created doctrine!.
Island Man
The JW teaching about the 'least of christ's brothers' being a reference to the anointed, makes christ out to be a petty, partisan, elitist.
Think about it: christ judges people according to how they treat, specifically, the anointed? Picture a goat saying:
"But Jesus, all these things we did to members of the other sheep..."
And Jesus responds with:
"It does not matter, they're not my brothers - they're only Jehovah's friends . I only care about how you treat my anointed.
Why would christ not care about how they treat all his followers, anointed or not? Is christ going to judge someone unworthy of life if they rendered help to a member of the "other sheep" but never did so to the anointed? It's an utterly stupid teaching that implicitly dishonors christ by painting him as one who favors and cares about only an elite class of his followers while ignoring the others. It makes no sense.
And think about the expression: "least of my brothers"
How on earth, could the highly exalted Governing Body, the earthly leaders of Jehovah's Organization, be considered as being the least of christ's brothers? One would logically think that if anyone is to be considered the least of christ's brothers it would more likely to be those of his followers doing his Father's will while not being anointed and having the lesser, earthly hope, no?
I think this teaching is one of the rottenest, stinkingest, examples of the Governing Body shamelessly twisting scriptures to serve the interests of Watchtower.